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Over 18 years ago, Mayor David West joined his first community committee as a volunteer, and he has been actively engaged in initiatives and groups that work to make Richmond Hill a vibrant community ever since. Prior to being elected as Mayor, in a by-election on January 26th, 2022, David was the Ward 4 Councillor for 8+ years. During this time, he led both Ward and City- wide committees and initiatives. He has a solid reputation as an individual who works collaboratively across diverse groups and interests. Whether organizing a Town Hall to bring together residents and developers to discuss a new development proposal, serving as the Vice-Chair of the Official Plan Update Committee, or working with community volunteers on the Richmond Hill Winter Carnival Committee, David has brought a balanced and practical perspective to every role he takes on.
Just as importantly, he has consistently emphasized, in all settings, the importance of gathering community input and ensuring that updates are provided on the progress of various initiatives, committees and planning applications. As he has said, “ As our community grows, it becomes even more important than ever that we reach out to engage all stakeholders in the key decisions that will impact all of us for many years to come. Whether it is the consultation process for the Official Plan Update, the surveys and updates on the Mill Pond Park Revitalization, or a neighbourhood Town Hall to discuss a new development or other plans that impact the community, listening to residents and ensuring they are provided with as much information as possible is the key to developing plans that help build a thriving and vibrant Richmond Hill, both today, and for the future”.
As he has consistently demonstrated during his time as Mayor, and over his 8+ years as the Ward 4 Councillor, David has always been available to constituents and has stayed strongly rooted in this City that he loves. He and his wife Michelle have raised their family here and built a successful small business. David has also been a strong supporter of the arts in Richmond Hill, serving on a number of arts and cultural organization boards. He is well known in the community for his environmental work and for his advocacy of programs to strengthen our community’s ability to be environmentally sustainable. His annual Maple Syrup Festival, and Eco Fest events, are calendar highlights for families in the community. As he has been often quoted to say “Richmond Hill is where I chose to call home and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I believe strongly in “paying forward” and I believe that, as a community, we can achieve great things for this generation and many generations to come. We have a city that celebrates diversity and inclusivity, and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.”