City seeking public comments on Draft Richmond Hill Centre Secondary Plan
The City of Richmond Hill has released the draft Secondary Plan for the Richmond Hill Centre (area northeast of the intersection of Yonge Street and Highway 7) for public comments.
Richmond Hill Centre will be a new downtown for Richmond Hill. Located at the geographic centre of the Greater Golden Horseshoe and connected by a radiating network of transit service including the Yonge North Subway Extension, GO Transit, VIVA BRT, York Region Transit and the future 407 Transitway, Richmond Hill Centre will be a magnet for business, arts and culture, a leader in innovation and a key regional destination. It will be a transit-oriented urban community defined by its diversity of architecture and building types, its vibrant urban spaces and fine-grained walkable neighbourhoods.
The Secondary Plan will shape the vision for this urban centre to create a balance of residential and commercial uses where people can live, work, and play.
This project is being undertaken concurrently with other related City initiatives, such as the Official Plan Update and the Transportation Master Plan Update to ensure that these plans and their implementation are aligned with each other.
How you can participate
A Council Public Meeting will held on October 28, 2021 at 7 p.m.
To register to make a verbal presentation at the Council Public Meeting or submit written comments, email cl****@ri**********.ca.
For details and other methods of submission, visit RichmondHill.ca/RHCentre.