By agreeing to the terms below, you are waiving certain legal rights.
Please read carefully!
I wish to have my photograph(s) displayed in the “I Love Richmond Hill” photo exhibition (the “Exhibition”) of the Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill (the “Corporation”).
In consideration of the Corporation permitting me to participate in the Exhibition, I:
- represent and warrant that:
- I am at least 18 years of age;
- I am the exclusive owner of any Photograph(s) submitted and any image therein;
- I have all necessary rights, title and interest in and to the image(s) within the Photograph(s);
- the Photograph(s) have not been copied in whole or in part from any other work, does/do not violate or infringe any copyright, moral right, trademark or other proprietary right of any person or entity, and is/are, together with the copyright and moral rights therein, my sole and exclusive property;
- I have not incorporated anything into the Photograph(s) that would
restrict the right of the Corporation to modify or further develop or
otherwise use the Photograph(s) in any way the Corporation deems
- all individuals in the photograph(s) other than myself are either at least 18 years of age and have provided me with written permission to use their images for the Exhibition, or are under 18 years of age and have provided parental/guardian consent, which I am able to provide to the Corporation upon request; and>
- acknowledge and agree:
- to irrevocably waive in favour of the Corporation all rights of integrity
and any other moral rights to the Photograph(s) for all time;
- that upon selection of the Photograph(s) for the Exhibition, all ownership rights shall be assigned to the Corporation, the Corporation shall become the sole owner of the Photograph(s) and all intellectual property and every right, title and interest, including all copyright, in and to the Photograph(s) shall become and remain the sole property of the Corporation without further consideration;
- that the Corporation shall have a non-exclusive license to use, modify and or further develop the Photograph(s) as it deems necessary, including, without limitation, in media such as printed media, promotional materials, website, social media, videos, and in submissions to other print or digital media for publicity purposes;
- that once the Photograph(s) is/are posted on a website or other
online format, the Corporation has no control over the Photograph(s)
and its possible download by any digital user, and that neither the
Corporation nor its appointees, directors, officers, employees, agents
or volunteers, are responsible for how the photo(s) is/are subsequently used; and
- hereby release the Corporation and its
from any and all claims and/or demands for damages and/or losses of any kind whatsoever
arising from my participation in the Exhibition and/or the use of the Photograph(s) and waive any rights of compensation;
- agree to indemnify the Releasees for any and all actions, suits, claims and demands which may be brought against or made upon the Corporation and all loss, costs, damages, charges and expenses whatsoever which may be incurred, sustained or paid by the Corporation as a result of my participation in the Exhibition; and
- further agree not to make any claims or take any proceedings against any person or corporation who or which might claim contribution and indemnity or relief from the Releasees.