E- News

From the Desk of Mayor David West
July E-Newsletter 2024

Dear Neighbours,

School is out and it is summer in the city! Richmond Hill has something for everyone this summer. Last weekend we kicked it off in style, with a terrific City of Richmond Hill Canada Day celebration, augmented by the eSport Arena added this year in partnership with Canada Computers. That is just the beginning of the festivals and events happening around town this summer. Check out the “Community Events and News” section for more fun.

In this ‘Did you know’ issue I wanted to highlight some facts about Richmond Hill you might be interested in. Read on to learn about current opportunities for you to add your voice to the important conversations happening at City Hall. There is also a recap from my Mayor for a Day contest, and input from our Richmond Hill neighbours.

I hope you find time to enjoy the season and our city in July.

Mayor David West 
City of Richmond Hil

What's On in Richmond Hill

Participating in a L.E.A.F. stewardship event removing invasive species around trees planted in 2021.
Did you know: Richmond Hill is recognized as a Tree City of the World by The Arbor Day Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for being committed to growing and maintaining our urban forest.

If you are looking for a different kind of summer activity for the family, consider participating in Community Stewardship events planned around the city. Sign up for one of the many sessions happening in support of our natural environment and you can enjoy time outside while caring for our green spaces.

Did you know: The City of Richmond Hill is seeking your input on numerous surveys? Read on for the information and links.

The City's budget is your budget. Make your voice heard.

The 2025 budget will implement Richmond Hill’s new vision of “A Vibrant and Inclusive Community of Neighbours” under the three pillars of Richmond Hill’s Strategic Plan 2024-2027:

  1. growing a livable, sustainable community,
  2. focusing on people, and
  3. strengthening our foundations.

Take a survey about your City’s 2025 budget now.

If you are unable to complete the online survey and would like to answer by telephone, please leave a message at 905-747-6311 and a member of Richmond Hill staff will call you back.

Did you know: Richmond Green Sports Centre and Park is the largest park in Richmond Hill?

The City of Richmond Hill is beginning the work of imagining future revitalization plans for the park and you are invited to share your perspective. This is a fun survey to take and I encourage you to check it out – either as a walking tour or from home.

The survey is open until July 9, 2024 so don’t delay, respond today! Take the survey

3-5 minute Animal By-law Survey

The City of Richmond Hill is asking residents to take part in a new Animal By-law Review survey. Animal Control By-laws aim to protect the health and well-being of cats and dogs in the community by promoting responsible pet ownership through licensing, vaccination, and regulations. They also promote the humane treatment of all animals, both wild and domestic so please give your feedback and let’s meet the needs of our furry and feathered friends!

Take the survey today at RichmondHill.ca/AnimalServices.


Did you know: Early in the twentieth century, Richmond Hill, was known as the “rose capital” of Canada. Gardening is in our DNA!

Open Gates Garden Tour

Hosted by the Richmond Hill Garden and Horticultural Society (RHGHS), the theme for this year’s Open Gates Garden Tour is ‘Artful Gardens’. 

  • Sunday, July 7 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Featuring 8 unique and ‘artful’ gardens in the Richmond Hill area. 

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit the RHGHS website.

News from the Office of the Mayor

Mayor for a Day contest winner William Nie from Ward 1 MacLeod's Landing Public School

As you may know, in a previous career I was a teacher. What has stuck with me from that work is the wish to engage and inspire youth so they can be active, involved citizens with an interest in their local politics. That is why one of my goals for this term was to create a “Mayor for the Day” contest in Richmond Hill.

This spring we invited students who live and study in Richmond Hill to apply and I was blown away by the passionate responses and terrific ideas shared in the submission essays. Luckily, there was a selection committee of community members who chose the winner and “Mayor William” joined us at City Hall for a full and fulfilling day. He met with the Clerk to be sworn in, and then had a whirlwind schedule, as Mayors do, meeting with staff, constituents, community members, and Council. Thanks to all those who contributed to make the day the incredible learning experience that it was.

But it didn’t feel right to forego acknowledging the other students who presented fantastic ideas, so my team put together an Appreciation Pizza Party for all the applicants. We invited our City staff and YRP Youth Engagement team to join us and talk about some of the most popular essay topics. I was grateful that so many students and their families made time to attend and I look forward to making this contest an annual event in Richmond Hill.

Attendees of the 'Mayor for a Day' Applicant Appreciation Party

Flight PS752 Memorial in Unity Park

With collaboration of the Association of Families of PS-752, we are moving forward with my intention to establish a memorial site in Richmond Hill to honour and commemorate the 176 victims of this tragic flight, and to acknowledge that of those lost, a staggering 44 people were from Richmond Hill area – these were our friends, our neighbours, our colleagues.

You can view the motion in the unadopted minutes on the City website.

I have asked that Richmond Hill City staffexpedite the development of the concept design with the intent of unveiling at the 2025 anniversary of the downing of PS-752 ceremony.

June was a very busy month in municipal politics. I started the month at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities conference in Calgary and was there to witness the broken water main fiasco that plagued Calgary in June.

Interestingly, it became a talking point at the conference as municipalities increasingly are expected to shoulder the cost of infrastructure with dwindling support from historical revenue sources. What happened in Calgary was a wake up call for many municipal leaders.

Later in the month I drove to the Ontario Big City Mayors meeting in Chatham Kent where we discussed pressing issues for our cities, including the housing crisis, mental health services, and policing.

Across Canada and here in Ontario, municipalities are facing similar challenges and it is helpful to explore potential solutions in this collaborative way. I am grateful to the host cities and organizers of both conferences.

We had a terrific response at the Pride Parade in June. I was happy to march together with Ward 1, 2, 4, and 5 Councillors and our RHFES. I hope we can continue to show our unity and celebrate our diversity 365 days a year. Love is love...
Thanks to Chief McSween, the Leadership Team, #2 District Command Superintendant Ian Hill, Inspector Kolin Alexander, and the many dedicated members of YRP.

Crime and Safety is top of mind in our Richmond Hill and York Region communities.

York Region Council received an extensive presentation about the future of policing in York Region to ensure we remain one of the safest community in Canada.

I asked how Regional Council can advocate more strongly for changes to Provincial and Federal laws, including bail reform and penalties for offences including laws around violent crime and car theft, to make York Regional Police’s enforcement work more effective.

I am committed to the safety and wellbeing of our Richmond Hill residents and will continue to advocate on your behalf.

Committee of the Whole meetings and Council Public Meetings are paused for the summer recess but you can watch the recordings of any meetings you missed at the link below.
Thank you for your civic engagement.

Did you know: The Richmond Hill Public Library recently won the 2024 John Cotton Dana Award for their innovative rebranding campaign!

Their “Yes, at the Library,” strives to both showcase the possibilities and challenge existing preconceptions.


Stay Cool and Safe in the Summer Heat!

As the summer temperatures rise, it’s important to stay cool and safe.

Here are some tips to beat the heat:

·      Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Avoid sugary or alcoholic beverages, as they can dehydrate you.

·      Stay Indoors: If possible, stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Use fans or air conditioning to stay cool.

·      Dress Appropriately: Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing to help your body stay cool. Wearing a hat and sunglasses can also protect you from the sun.

·      Limit Outdoor Activity: If you must be outdoors, try to limit your activity to the early morning or evening when it’s cooler. Take frequent breaks and seek shade when possible.

·      Check on Loved Ones: Keep an eye on family members, especially the elderly and young children, who are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses.

·      Know the Signs of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke: Symptoms include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and confusion. If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

Stay cool, stay safe, and enjoy the summer! For more information visit RichmondHill.ca/EmergencyPreparedness

Dates of Significance

July is an important month as we celebrate and acknowledge the unique contributions of several community groups. In general we have both Federal and Provincial dates of importance and significance, which often overlap, but not always.

During the month of July, I would like to encourage you to visit both our Federal and our Provincial government’s websites respectively, to explore the rich history and cultural contributions behind these Heritage Dates and Dates of Significance:

Canadian Dates acknowledged in July:

Ontario Dates acknowledged in July:

Let’s continue to SHOW our diversity, our equity, and our inclusive attitudes through actions. #InclusiveRH

Community Events and News

The calendar of events in Richmond Hill continues to offer something for everyone.
Here are a few ideas to fill your free time. Please also visit the following calendars for local events:

LIVE in the Plaza – Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m. presented by
Wilson-Niblett, enjoy a range of musical genres Tuesday nights and Open Mic nights Wednesdays in the outdoor plaza at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts.

Concerts in the Park at Mill Pond – Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. presented by Tim Hortons.
Fabulous Knockouts – Oldies Rock n Roll (July 11),
Trilogy – Styx & Foreigner (July 18), and Groove Marmalade – Motown (July 25).
Concert-goers are encouraged to walk or cycle to the concert as nearby parking is limited. Attendees can leave their bike at the bike valet booth.

Retro Ribfest at Richmond Green – Friday, July 19 – Sunday, July 21
The annual mouthwatering, finger licking Ribfest returns with delicious ribs (and other food!), fun contests, activities and a line up of musical entertainment that spans the decades!

Visit Richmond Green as professional rib teams from across North America cook and compete for various best titles (decided by honorary judges)

Summer Curbside Giveaway dates
July 27, 2024 and August 24, 2024

York Region residents are invited to place unwanted items, labelled FREE, at the curb for other residents and community members to browse and take for their own use, free of charge.

Learn more.

Thanks to Marj Andre of OnRichmondHill for making a podcast with me in June. Have a listen: The Mayor of Richmond Hill has been talking to other mayors | Connecting the Community (podbean.com)

Richmond Hill June Events

Here are a few of the events I was privileged to participate in lately, on behalf of the City of Richmond Hill
Thanks to Mul Raj Sethi and the York Region Indians Seniors Association for always keeping our seniors engaged and for hosting one of the many wonderful Canada Day celebrations happening in our Richmond Hill community.
Celebrating Mon Sheong's 60th Anniversary
Mayor for a Day - William Nie
Participating in the Holy Trinity School "Hackathon" with Grade 9 students
Welcoming dignitaries and attendees at the BePraize event at RHCPA.
'Mayor William' holding a residents meeting. Well done Your Worship!

Important Numbers and Information

ACCESS Richmond Hill
City services, updates on damaged City property, snow clearing, streetlight maintenance

Animal Services
Animal control and shelter services contracted through City of Vaughan

Alectra Utilities
Hydro outage information, downed power lines

Inclement Weather Hotline
City facility closures and recreation program cancellations

Parking Control
Cars parked illegally on the street

York Region Roads
1-877-464-9675 ext 75200
Snow removal on regional roads

York Region Transit/Viva
Snow removal at bus stops

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