From the Desk of Mayor David West
November E-Newsletter 2022
Dear Neighbours,
It has been a time of incredible highs and lows since I last wrote you a newsletter in July.
On October 24th, I experienced one of the happiest moments of my political career. Richmond Hill voters gave me a clear message that they agree with my vision to collaborate with residents, Council, staff, community groups, and businesses as we work together supporting growth that makes sense and promoting a healthy, safe city environment, while maintaining vigourous fiscal responsibility. As we build our livable city together, I am committed to continuing to seek out more housing options that are affordable and to supporting our Arts & Culture community as we strive to ensure Richmond Hill can be the city for you to live, work, and play in.
My sincere gratitude not only to the voters for your trust, but to my dedicated election team and tireless volunteers for your valuable time, and to my loving family, for your support.
The loss of our beloved Mayor Dave Barrow was a blow that resonated throughout our city and beyond. I was so grateful we were able to join him just days before his passing at the dedication of Dave Barrow Square.
The new term of council commences November 15th, I look forward to serving you and working together for the betterment of Richmond Hill.
Mayor David West,
City of Richmond Hill

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Have you seen the excellent video created by our City staff?
I thought this was a wonderful glimpse into the many outdoor recreational opportunities that exist in City of Richmond Hill throughout the seasons.
Lest we forget

In November we remember.
We pause, express gratitude, and pledge to never forget the many lives lost, protecting the way of life we enjoy as Canadians.
Indigenous Veterans Day November 8th
This year, I will be wearing a beaded poppy made by local Métis artist Kathy Morgan, pictured above, as I acknowledge the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis of Canada with a rich military service tradition of honour and dedication.

On November the 6th, we will honour Remembrance Day.
It will be an honour to gather in person to recognize our veterans with the Richmond Hill Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
The parade will begin at 10:30 a.m.
from Wright Street to the Cenotaph, located at M.L. McConaghy Seniors Centre, 10100 Yonge Street, followed by a Ceremony of Remembrance and the laying of wreaths.
Please join us at the Richmond Hill Cenotaph as we remember and pay tribute to those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice.
November Community Events

Pop Up Art Gallery
The Artists’ Co-op Richmond Hill is hosting a pop-up gallery and shop, Gifted Hands Gallery, with unique works from 10 local artists. Gifted Hands Gallery offers shoppers and art enthusiasts a shopping experience highlighted by a unique blend of art and gifts at historic Boynton House at Richmond Green Park. For more information contact Artists’ Co-op Richmond Hill.
November 5th & 6th Fall Sale
The Burr House Spinners and Weavers Guild Fall Sale is back and also not to be missed in your hunt for the perfect one of a kind treasure.

Richmond Hill Public Library has lots of indoor options as the weather starts to turn chilly. There is daily programming for toddlers, teens, and retirees every age in-between.
Additionally, the “In the Know, November/December” guide, your resource for the in-person and virtual programs, is available.

RHCPA is ‘back to live’ with a full schedule of programming. Find your next live local performance here.
November Dates of Importance

In Ontario, the month of November has been proclaimed as Lebanese Heritage Month, Albanian Heritage Month, and Hindu Heritage Month. As members of the culturally diverse country we call home, we are invited to learn about and celebrate the contributions each of these groups has made to the society we live and enjoy every day.
November 6 to November 12 is Treaties Recognition Week encouraging educationabout our collective treaty rights and obligations as we continue on the path towards reconciliation.
City Seeks Community Input in Future Development

The City of Richmond Hill is seeking additional community feedback to guide future development in the city. Residents and businesses are invited to attend a series of workshops and complete an online survey as part of the next step in the Official Plan Update project, also known as City Plan.
Attend one or more virtual workshops
The City is hosting virtual workshops in November regarding each Key Development Area and participants will hear from City staff about the Key Directions for the area, have the opportunity to share their insights and personal experiences about the area, and to engage in interactive discussions about how the area can be further developed to address the community’s current and future needs Online registration for these workshops is now open at RichmondHill.ca/OPUpdate.
Take a survey, share your input:
The City would like your input to guide planning within employment areas (e.g. business parks) and intensification areas.
Fill out the online survey at RichmondHill.ca/OPUpdate until November 30, 2022.
Thank you to everyone for your ongoing participation and input into these and other topics that shape our city.
Council News

The new term of Council begins November 15, 2022 and ends November 14, 2026. Council Elect will be officially sworn in at the Inaugural meeting at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts on November 21, 2022.
I look forward to our first Council meeting on November 23rd and I would invite residents to remain engaged by participating in the meetings in the way most comfortable for you. We want to build a collaborative, inclusive City that welcomes all voices to the conversation. Meeting details are kept up to date on the City website.
Full elections results including the votes for all candidates are available at

Richmond Hill Events
Since my last newsletter, I have been fortunate to be very busy in our community, participating in numerous cultural events and celebrations.
Thank you to the many organizations and businesses who make Richmond Hill the vibrant, thriving city that it is.

Let’s continue to SHOW our diversity, our equity, and our inclusive attitudes through actions.
Yard Waste collection continues
….and that includes your pumpkins from Halloween!
Did you know that yard waste pick up continues until December 9, weekly on your regular waste collection day?
Visit the City website for all the details