E- News

From the Desk of Mayor David West
May E-Newsletter 2022

Dear Neighbours

Spring is underway and we are well prepared for it! Thanks to the educational efforts of the City of Richmond Hill we know how to manage the Spongy Moth population numbers and throughout the month of May the Spring Greening Speaker Series is offering a range of interesting webinars on timely environmental topics.

Just as April was a celebratory month for Muslims, Christians and Jewish residents, May will continue to be a month full of diverse celebrations, as we recognize four cultural heritages as “Heritage Months”,  Eid al-Fitr celebrations and Mother’s Day. Read on to learn more about these important dates.

Soon we will be welcoming Ukrainian families to Richmond Hill. The Local Alliance Supporting Ukrainian Refugees (LASUR) is organizing the efforts to gather the needed donations for these families who are fleeing with little more than their passports. Please be alert to this story as it develops to see how we can each help these newcomers settle. For a list of Federal, Provincial and Municipal services and information to support those affected by the conflict in Ukraine, visit York Region.

I look forward to the month ahead and I hope to see many of you at events in our city.
Mayor David West 
City of Richmond Hill

May Highlights

Heritage Months encourage citizens everywhere to reflect on the many contributions and gifts that each community provides to our Canadian culture. In Richmond Hill we are fortunate to have a rich and diverse population. National Asian Heritage MonthJewish Heritage MonthDutch Heritage Month, and Armenian Heritage Month are the four Heritage Months recognized in May. Sharing histories, customs and holidays offers everyone in our community the opportunity for enrichment. Recently, I have been saddened to hear of racist behaviour in Richmond Hill and York Region as well as internationally. Every day I believe we should promote diversity, equity and inclusion as the foundation for building our community, a community that welcomes and provides opportunities for everyone. To live in our great, culturally diverse city is a choice we make. They say actions speak louder than words and I want to work, actively, to make Richmond Hill an inclusive city. Thank you for sharing your languages with me last month. This month, I invite you to share examples your inclusive actions with the world by posting on social media using #InclusiveRH.
Let’s SHOW our diversity, our equity, and our inclusive attitudes through actions. #InclusiveRH

Eid Festival in Richmond Hill

I am honoured to be joining an Eid al-Fitr celebration here in Richmond Hill. 
Celebrating the end of the 30 day Islamic holy month of Ramadan with our Muslim community members will be one of the highlights of my month and I am looking forward to this joyful day. 

I would love to see pictures of your Eid celebrations. Tag me on social media @DavidWestRH and ‘David West, Mayor, Richmond Hill, Ontario’and use #InclusiveRH to share your photos.

Eid Mubarak!

Clean Up Green Up Underway

Thank you to all the residents who have registered for the RichmondHill.ca/CleanUpWeeks. Many local CleanUp initiatives are underway and I enjoyed visiting multiple Richmond Hill Wards to join in. 
Whether you clean up with a team, your family, or on your own, thank you for contributing your time.

McHappy Day May 11

It will be my pleasure to join the crew in Ward 6 on May 11th, McHappy Day. The money raised will support the Ronald McDonald Family Room at Markham Stouffville Hospital. 
I hope to see you there as we support this charity that helps so many families at a time when they need it most. I will be volunteering8-9am at1383 16th Avenue, Richmond Hill.

Spring Greening Speaker Series

Last month we acknowledged Earth Day and I was honoured to participate in the 8th Annual EarthDay Conference presenting SmartCity Technologies. 
The City of Richmond Hill is continuing the Earth Day theme with free weekly virtual speaker series starting April 27 and running through the month of May. Each week you will hear a different speaker share their expertise on an important environmental topic, and will learn what we are doing locally and what you can do at home to green your life and help “Green the Hill”.

York Region Newcomer Services

Moving to a new country or region can be an exciting but stressful process. York Region has developed a Newcomer Guide that provides useful information to help families as they settle in York Region. 
This guide will help people live, work, and thrive in our City by providing helpful programs and services. YR/newcomer-services

Draft Environment Strategy Update

Richmond Hill continued to make positive strides in protecting our local environment in 2021 with energy efficiency upgrades, 17,000 more trees, reduced blue box contamination, and more! 
Now, our focus will move to how we can protect, enhance and restore our local environment. The draft Environment Strategy update is available for public comment at RichmondHill.ca/Greeninguntil May 4.

Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP)

Earth Day might be over, but the conversation about making sustainable choices continues year round. 
Richmond Hill wants to equip our residents with the tools to engage in those conversations. Read all about it here in the Climate Change Conversation Toolkit and visit RichmondHill/ResilientRH to learn more.

Spongy Moth Control Burlap Available

There is still time to remove the Spongy Moth egg masses before they hatch. Removal is recommended between late August and early May.
Check out this terrific demonstration video for a step by step guide and remember, the City of Richmond Hill is providing burlap to protect trees, while supplies last.

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