Mayor David West

City of Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill News

News from
the Mayor


As Jewish communities around the world and here in Richmond Hill celebrate Purim from sundown March 13 through to March 14, I would like to extend my best wishes for a joyous celebration.  Chag Purim Sameach!

Nowruz is all about starting fresh—just as nature comes back to life in spring, buying new clothes for the family and looking your best represents a fresh start and respect for the auspicious occasion.  I wish you and your loved ones a prosperous and successful new year. Har Rouzetan Norouz, Norouzetan Pirouz!

Thank you to all the generous vendors who partnered with us for this video and the amazing production crew.

Happy Holi to everyone celebrating the Festival of Colours!  Wishing you joy, love, happiness, and good health.

As Mayor of Richmond Hill, I am honoured to serve the residents of this great city.

Working together with my City Council colleagues, City staff, residents, community groups, businesses, and officials from other levels of government, I am determined to always listen, and advocate for the best interests of Richmond Hill.

Ever since I volunteered on a community committee over 18 years ago, I have been actively engaged in working to support this vibrant and inclusive city.  As Ward 4 Councillor for 8+ years, I developed a solid reputation as someone who works collaboratively across diverse groups. I am committed to bringing that balanced and practical perspective to the role of Mayor.

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